The more students read, the better their comprehension and fluency becomes. Reading outside the classroom, particularly at home, has a game-changing impact on literacy for young children. Habits of storytime and reading at home and access to home libraries are two strategies SitStayRead’s family literacy events support.
SitStayRead hosts Family Literacy Events at schools and community organizations in the city of Chicago. During these events, our staff, trained volunteers, and certified Dog Teams engage families in fun activities to promote the importance of reading at home, including:
Story Writing and Drawing Projects
Sight Word Games
SitStayRead also provides a mix of new and gently used books that kids can take home. The cost associated with these events ranges between $300 and $500. If you’re interested having SitStayRead visit your location, please complete our event form.
If you would like to sponsor one or more Family LIteracy Events, please contact info@sitstayread.org and we will work with you to identify an opportunity for your gift to provide this essential intergenerational literacy event for one or more of our partners, or another mission-aligned group in Chicago.